MKE Week 14 – All Thought is Creative?

"Thought is a spiritual activity and is therefore endowed with creative power. This does not mean that some thought is creative, but that all thought is creative." In contemplating what to write about today, I wanted to share some of the reasoning behind my goal of six pack abs, and why that's important to me. … Continue reading MKE Week 14 – All Thought is Creative?

MKE Week 13 – Onward and Upward!

Turns out a weekly weigh in is indeed a much better idea. I'm down another pound and a half, and now I really know what people mean when they say that spot reduction is a myth. My pants fit perfectly a few months ago, and now they're baggy. My wedding ring used to require a … Continue reading MKE Week 13 – Onward and Upward!